The officers and committee members of the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association are always keen to hear the views of members in relation to any topic of relevance. The most effective ways of communicating are as follows.


Specific contact details for the Association’s Schemes can be found on the Schemes page.

Site content or passwords

Feedback or comments on this web site, and questions about passwords, should please be sent using the form below.

Individual membership

Please see the How to join page.

Policy, activities and general enquiries including Chambers block membership applications and subscriptions

If you think there is an issue with which we ought to be concerned, anything that the Association could offer to members which is not currently available or if you have any views on any current consultation papers, we will be only too happy to hear from you.  We also welcome feedback on and suggestions for our CPD programme. For such matters and general enquiries including chambers block membership applications and subscriptions, please contact the LCLCBA Administrator by using the form below.

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